Friday, May 20, 2011

Post 10: Fruit Fly Investigation Setup

                               This week, we investigated how many adult fruit flies there would be at the end of three weeks. First, we had to get at least 3 fruit flies, making up our combination. Then we put food in the vial and put them to sleep with flynap. After, we put the flies in the vial and over time we observed the changes within. After three weeks, we setup an experimental design. We included the background research, procedure, materials, etc.
                              In doing this, I learned that this experiment is not an easy one. I learned that you can tell the difference between a male and female by how the color and how big their behinds are. Also, that female fruit flies cannot start laying eggs until after 2 days. And one thing that also kind of shocked me is that no matter how much sex fruit flies have, the female can store the sperm so she can lay a certain amount of eggs. Since she can do this, that means that she can possibly go a week or two without sex even though she lays 20 eggs everyday.


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