Thursday, May 26, 2011

Post 11: This Week In Science (No Impact Man)

                       No Impact Man's year long project was to have no impact to earth. He did many incredible things to have not one impact to earth. During his project, he changed many things about the way a human lives in an every day life. He used no type of transportation. Which means no driving, no trains, no cabs, no flying, anything. Only walking, biking, and/or using a scooter. He also excluded not using any power in the house, using candles for light, and giving away their TV. While being in a building, no matter how far up they had to go, they only used the stairs. When shopping for food, they went to local markets, only getting food that's from the state, and used dirt and worms to help decompose the food better and faster.
                      With his year long process, many believed that No Impact Man didn't really have any effect to earth's environment, because he is only one man. But still, he at least lowered some level of having a huge impact to our planet. He proved that if you think well enough to save earth, than you can have a positive effect on earth. He also showed that with this project of his, that most of the technology we use today isn't that essential to our lives, no matter how nice it may be. He is one man that is making earth a better place by using good resource and being positive.  
                      Personally, I think what No Impact Man was great. It even showed me that just because there are all these things out there for us to use, we don't have to choose that path. Since we know that most of this stuff is harming the place we live in and we know that there are better ways to do things, that we should act upon that. I also think that if my mother and I tried to follow in his foot steps, we wouldn't survive a week, because we love technology, which made me realize that isn't the best thing. But anyways, I think No Impact Man had a huge Impact to our earth.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Post 10: Fruit Fly Investigation Setup

                               This week, we investigated how many adult fruit flies there would be at the end of three weeks. First, we had to get at least 3 fruit flies, making up our combination. Then we put food in the vial and put them to sleep with flynap. After, we put the flies in the vial and over time we observed the changes within. After three weeks, we setup an experimental design. We included the background research, procedure, materials, etc.
                              In doing this, I learned that this experiment is not an easy one. I learned that you can tell the difference between a male and female by how the color and how big their behinds are. Also, that female fruit flies cannot start laying eggs until after 2 days. And one thing that also kind of shocked me is that no matter how much sex fruit flies have, the female can store the sperm so she can lay a certain amount of eggs. Since she can do this, that means that she can possibly go a week or two without sex even though she lays 20 eggs everyday.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Post 9: This Week In Science (Fruit Flies Part 2)

                          This week in science we made graphs based on fruit flies. The graphs were based on how many adult flies there will be in 3 weeks. We also set up experiments, dividing the different parts. Ex. Hypothesis, Background Research, Procedure, Scientific Question, etc. Then we also answered questions based on which fly fruit group we picked, MMF, MFF, MMM, and FFF. We gave our opinions on how many eggs and adults we thought there will be after a certain amount of days.
                         I learned that if you put two female fruit flies and one male fruit fly in a vial, the amount of eggs will double to the amount of 40 each day. The only reason why this is a fact is because one female fruit fly lays 20 eggs a day. I also learned or remembered that when conducting an experiment, you should ALWAYS go back and double check your work for any mistakes. So that's a lesson well learned.