Friday, March 25, 2011

Post 5: This Week In Science "Carrying Capacity and Relationship"



                  This week in science, I gave feedback on three of my classmates blogs. I also learned about carry capacity in an ecosystem. I played card games with my group, played Oh Deer on the roof, and graphed a line graph based on the results from the game. I also got a chance to review what Commensalism, Mutualism, and Parasitism. I'm glad we did review these three relationships because I didn't remember what they meant.
               This week, I learned how the carrying capacity in an ecosystem can increase or decrease. I also learned how Commensalism, Mutualism, and Parasitism are between different organisms. I learned what limiting factors mean, and all organisms benefit from one another in some type of way.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Post 3: My Fantasy Habitat

              This week in science I created a fantasy habitat. First, I signed onto Then, I looked at the weeks lesson. The first task was to chose an animal. So I decided that I wanted to research Sea Turtles.So I went on, researched on a sea turtle's habitat, and collected my data. After I finished my researched , I checked up on images. I found a one that really peaked my interest and used it for my Fantasy Habitat.
               During this week, I learned many different things about the Sea Turtle. One thing I learned is that they eat sea grass and algae, though sometimes they may choose fish. Another thing I learned is that after females lay their eggs in the sand, they never come back to see their children. So when the babies hatch, they have to learn to live on their own. One last thing I learned about Sea Turtles is that their streamlined shape, large size, and powerful flippers enable them to dive to great depths and travel long distances. These are the things I learned about my wonderful animal this week.